eagle technologies

A Look Into the Conveyor Industry

A recent report showed that the conveyor industry is one of the manufacturing sectors experiencing growth despite the economic climate outside. The Conveyor Manufacturers Association reported that July 2010 orders were up 49 percent over this time last year. Such a dramatic leap in sales has undoubtedly led many people...

Utilizing Your Customer Service Department for R&D

Hybrid motors, conveyor systems, and packaging materials are just a few of the products and equipment that Eagle Technologies Group, and companies like us, manufacture. Ultimately, we make the equipment used to produce the products you use every day. However, our equipment, machinery, and the products produced by them don't...

The Chilling Effects of Cold Weather on Hybrid Motors

September usually ushers in the season of Fall in Michigan, the infamous home of the auto industry. However, the industry's current popular cars, those powered by hybrid motors, may experience a little trouble running in the great state that gave us the American automobile. Hybrid motors do indeed have difficulty...

How to Make the Most Out of Your Customer Service Call

Few people understand that a simple call to customer care can contribute to the development of a new product or an update on an old model. In fact, the relationships between engineering and customer care are an important research and development resource. To help companies like Eagle Technologies implement the...

Two Ways to Reduce Your Spare Parts Inventory

Continuing with last week's topic of spare parts, today's post will review maintaining your spare parts inventory in a way that will actually save you money. Although a spare parts inventory is usually necessary, carrying enough parts to build a whole new machine is not. In fact, the excess non-vital parts...

The Importance of Spare Parts Inventories

The manufacturing systems that companies thrive on require more than lubrication and maintenance. They also require spare parts. Most manufacturing and processing companies keep an inventory of spare parts. However, small businesses should also consider creating a spare parts inventory as well. There are several reasons why a company utilizing machinery...

The Pressing Process

"Pressing" in an industrial or manufacturing setting refers to a machine that permanently joins two parts to form a new part. Today a custom-designed pressing machine can be engineered to fit your company’s needs. In recent years, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History exhibited one of America’s earliest, but still-functioning,...

Using Hybrid Batteries in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

There are two major types of hybrid batteries in existance for use in hybrid electric vehicles - lithium ion (Li-ion) and nickel metal hybrid (NiMH).  Many battery subcategories can be found within each. NiMH batteries were the primary battery source for hybrid vehicles until a few years ago. Today Li-ion batteries...


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