
6 Ways Augmented Reality Will Transform Manufacturing Automation

As factory automation begins to incorporate augmented reality into its processes, what should industrial manufacturers expect? Of all the new Industry 4.0 technologies, Augmented Reality is the one that, to many people, seems the most surprising. AR devices are often worn like glasses upon which software can project images or instructions...

7 Manufacturing Automation Statistics and Key Takeaways

Automation is reshaping the future of work. Businesses should be optimistic, but prepared. In the middle of the last century, the rise of computers and information technology spurred huge economic advances around the world. At the time, many feared that the disruption brought about by computers and their related technologies would...

6 Ways Advances in Gripper Technology Are Improving Factory Automation

As grippers become more flexible, adaptable, and interchangeable, their applications in factory automation multiply. Factory automation has changed drastically in the past few decades, most notably in the realm of robotics, where new software technology has combined with advances in hardware capabilities to give manufacturers a wider toolset to use when...

How Automation Is Shaping Manufacturing Skillsets

New skills will be required as manufacturers shift from old-line manufacturing to incorporate more sophisticated technologies. It’s no secret that the manufacturing industry is facing a skills gap crisis. The causes behind it are varied, but the biggest factors are the retirement of the baby boomers and a younger generation that...

How Does Factory Automation Factor into the Technology Lifecycle?

Being early adapters of factory automation helps manufacturers innovate faster. One of the most challenging decisions manufacturers have to make regarding the long term health of their business is when to invest in a new technological breakthrough. Factories today are increasingly automated, but it isn't just the automation that is changing...

6 Reasons Automation Technology Is a Growing Career Choice

For those looking for a stable and stimulating career, automation technology is a smart option. For years, headlines have been dominated by concerns that American factory jobs are disappearing. But if there’s one area where skilled manufacturing jobs are plentiful, it’s in automation technology. In fact, the demand for skilled workers...

7 Applications for Factory Automation in PCB Manufacturing

Factory automation accelerates the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) for high-end electronics. Electronics come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing almost all of them share is the use of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Circuit boards are a compact and repeatable way to structure intricate components into a small...

4 Ways Factory Automation Improves Supply Chain Management

Although the Covid-19 pandemic ripple effect continues to disrupt global supply chains, factory automation mitigates many shortcomings. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, manufacturers worldwide have become acutely aware of the interconnectivity of supply chains. Shortages of critical supplies have exposed vulnerabilities that have shut down production centers, even as...

4 Areas Where Vision Technology Advances Factory Automation

Improvements in vision technology are expanding the realm of possibility for factory automation. If there's anything we've learned from decades of work in the automation industry, it's that the transformative impact of a new technology reaches beyond its immediate applications. Sometimes, the new technology means that old systems must be reworked...

The RV Industry is Ready for Robotics & Automation

With recreational vehicle sales at an all-time high, industry leaders should look to automation to meet demand. The numbers are in, and to anyone in the RV industry, they should come as no surprise: sales are through the roof, and they show no signs of slowing down. According to the latest...


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