
Have you Considered Using Thermal Imaging?

Preventative maintenance is all about finding the problem and fixing it before it a disaster occurs. To that end, researchers are constantly working to develop new ways to spot problems. Thermal imaging, examining the factory equipment with an infrared camera, is one such solution. The thermal imaging cameras don't just see into...

A Closer Look at the Plant Swaging Operator Job

Forming plastic and metal is one of many essential jobs within a factory. The machines called forgers and swages use force to make bends, crimps, semi-complete cuts and other forms into the material. Having a swaging and a forge operator onsite can save a company in the cost of purchasing the parts from...

Why Process Validation?

Process and Product Validation can seem like an uneccessary step in the already complex process of bringing a product to completion, but it's as critically important a step as test-driving a car before it gets to market to make sure that it's safe for consumers. It can also do a...

Maintaining Ethical Standards in Manufacturing

The public image of a company is just as important as the product it makes. A little bad press can go a long way toward alienating customers and tanking sales, even when it’s entirely undeserved. That’s why it’s important to use ethical products and practices in your business, and make...

Neglected Housekeeping Can Derail Production

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 4,340 fatal work injuries in the U.S. in 2009. Of those fatalities, 41 percent were in production-based industries, 304 (7% of the total) were specifically in manufacturing. A closer look at the numbers shows that falls or strikes caused the...

What "Manufacturing Delay" Really Means

In January 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began warning of an impending shortage in the availability of certain drugs. These included cancer-fighting drugs, asthma medications and drugs often administered in the emergency room. To help patients and doctors track the availability of the drugs, the FDA set up...

5 Point Motor Check: Preventive Maintenance for Machine Motors

The motor is one of the single most important components that is found within nearly all factory manufacturing equipment. When a motor fails, it’s safe to bet that your equipment won’t be functioning either. Repairing and replacing motors can oftentimes be a costly exercise in time and money. Fortunately, with...

5 Green Ideas for Reducing Factory Packaging Waste

In an effort to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, many manufacturers are exploring ways to cut waste in the most deserving sector - product packaging. While all of the packaging can't be cut out, a reduction is almost always easily found in factory packaging. In fact, recent years...

5 Sources for Preventive Maintenance Training

Finding a preventive maintenance training program may turn out to be a bit difficult if you've never used one. They are offered by equipment manufacturers, software companies and people who specialize in equipment training. Many programs cater to entire factories, like those using software that can run on company computers....

The Importance of Preventive Maintenance Training

Preventive maintenance is a part of the industrial process, but it is also something that one must learn. Fortunately, companies can easily train their staff without having to hire a specialty team. The problem, though, is that managers in manufacturing industry often argue the importance of this specialized training. In...


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