
What Do New Fuel Standards Mean for Hybrids?

In July 2011, President Obama issued new fuel standards with a deadline of 2025 for completion. His goal was to reduce the American dependence on oil, but the new rigid standards were welcomed by the automobile industry. In fact, the President signed the law with the head executives of the...

5 Green Ideas for Reducing Factory Packaging Waste

In an effort to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, many manufacturers are exploring ways to cut waste in the most deserving sector - product packaging. While all of the packaging can't be cut out, a reduction is almost always easily found in factory packaging. In fact, recent years...

A Look Into the Conveyor Industry

A recent report showed that the conveyor industry is one of the manufacturing sectors experiencing growth despite the economic climate outside. The Conveyor Manufacturers Association reported that July 2010 orders were up 49 percent over this time last year. Such a dramatic leap in sales has undoubtedly led many people...

The Evolution of the Hybrid Motor

The hybrid motor is the latest in a long line of innovations within the auto industry. However, it is the first to threaten the longstanding reign of an auto industry staple - the gas motor. The upset seemed to happen overnight, but the evolution of the hybrid motor actually began...

How the Prius Revived the American Auto Industry

The gas engine nudged out its competitors in the beginning, thanks to a lack of technology and the economically appealing fuel that was gas at the time. However after years of domination, 2008 saw an upset in the balance of things in the auto world. The entire billion dollar debacle...

Products to Cut Farm Energy Costs

How are you saving energy today? That’s the question on the minds of business people around the world …and we have an answer: Condensers, Evaporators & Compressors. Today’s newest models of this equipment are high in energy-efficiency and can save farmers money on their overhead costs. Condensers, evaporators, and compressors have...


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