preventative maintenance

The Hazards of Defective Product Returns

Product defects are problematic for customers, manufacturers, and even the legal system. In truth, product defects are a symptom of larger problems within the manufacturing and distribution processes. A problem that begins as a small hiccup has grown into a full-scale crisis by the time the first defects are returned...

Considerations for an Emergency Management Plan

When we discussed the first steps factory managers have to take in an emergency situation, we mentioned having a clear grasp of your company's emergency plan ahead of time. Today, we'll talk about a few attributes of a fine-tuned emergency management plan. 2011 has already been a dangerous year for natural...

The First Four Things To Do In A Plant Crisis

Imagine that the power has gone out, or the snow has piled up quickly, with several managers and an entire shift of workers still working in the plant. What happens next? In the first few minutes of a crisis, it is of critical importance that you already have an established...

5 Ways That Preventative Maintenance can Spot Machinery Motor Problems

The motors that power manufacturing machines are just like the ones that power our cars, in that preventive maintenance is key to avoiding catastrophic and costly problems. The motor is obviously a large part of any machine’s operating system. When it goes down, so does production until the problem is...

Items to Consider in Making a More Efficient Plant

The green movement is much more than a way to jump onto the eco-friendly bandwagon, it can also be a way to reduce plant-operating costs considerably over time. Many plants have found that simple monitoring, maintenance, scheduling, and other techniques are easy to implement. Others have to add energy-saving equipment...

Preventive Maintenance Checks for Michigan Winter’s

Every Michigan manufacturing plant has its ritual that prepares the facility for the severe cold, snow, and ice of winter. The ritual starts in October, well before the first snow. However, preventive maintenance departments shouldn’t let the harsh weather slip from all thought after that ritual is complete. There are...


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