Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World with Wil Haygood, Acclaimed Biographer, Author & Reporter
7:30 pm
Event published by The Mendel Center at Lake Michigan College
January 19, 2023
2755 E Napier Avenue
Benton Harbor
Best-selling author, prize-winning journalist, acclaimed biographer and cultural historian Wil Haygood tells the story of America through the lens of history, politics, sports, race, and the lives of change-making African-Americans. Best known as the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Butler and Showdown, his work has chronicled America’s civil rights journey through acclaimed biographies of Thurgood Marshall, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Sammy Davis, Jr., Sugar Ray Robinson, and Eugene Allen, the real-life inspiration for Lee Daniels’ award-winning film, The Butler.
During “Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World,” Haygood offers an unprecedented look at the history of Black cinema, examining 100 years of Black movies – from Gone with the Wind to Blaxploitation films to Black Panther – using the struggles and triumphs of the artists, and the films themselves, as a prism to explore Black culture, civil rights, and racism.
Admission: $30 – $60