
The Evolution of the Hybrid Motor

The hybrid motor is the latest in a long line of innovations within the auto industry. However, it is the first to threaten the longstanding reign of an auto industry staple - the gas motor. The upset seemed to happen overnight, but the evolution of the hybrid motor actually began...

How the Prius Revived the American Auto Industry

The gas engine nudged out its competitors in the beginning, thanks to a lack of technology and the economically appealing fuel that was gas at the time. However after years of domination, 2008 saw an upset in the balance of things in the auto world. The entire billion dollar debacle...

Fall Into Hybrid Motor Winterization

Last week, we wrote about the effects of cold weather on hybrid vehicles. This week, we'd like to follow that story up with some tips on how to actually prepare your hybrid for the coming cold winter months. The companies who work in hybrid motor manufacturing care greatly about how those...

The Pressing Process

"Pressing" in an industrial or manufacturing setting refers to a machine that permanently joins two parts to form a new part. Today a custom-designed pressing machine can be engineered to fit your company’s needs. In recent years, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History exhibited one of America’s earliest, but still-functioning,...

Using Hybrid Batteries in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

There are two major types of hybrid batteries in existance for use in hybrid electric vehicles - lithium ion (Li-ion) and nickel metal hybrid (NiMH).  Many battery subcategories can be found within each. NiMH batteries were the primary battery source for hybrid vehicles until a few years ago. Today Li-ion batteries...

Involving an Automation Integrator with Machine Building Experience in the Installation Process can Make all the Difference!

Your automated system is complete and your factory is ready for the installation process. It's at this point where the project can come to a fork in the road.  The installation can go smoothly or be a source of constant headache. By choosing an firm with a proven track record of...


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